Stress Free Fall Foliage Trip Planning
Stress-free fall foliage trip planning
I know, for me, that this is probably one of those, “being between a rock and
My stress level starts rising in mid-Sept as my friends in Northern Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, start posting their early fall foliage shots on Facebook and I can’t wait to post my New England foliage FB page. I’m so ready to get on the road!
Most of you may ask, why am I stressed? For one thing, I’m just like you and I have a day job to pay the bills. So I have to wait for a weekend to get out on the road. I may live in a fairly central location in New England but in late September for the early New England fall foliage, I have to drive almost to the Canadian border to see “real” any color. Also, the fall color that shows up is maybe a single tree or a small group of trees around a wetland or pond. We call this stressed fall color or early color
So as much as I want to be out in the thick of it, I have to be patient and wait for the colors to fill in. I do go out but that is to get my eyes on the color and give you personal foliage reports. Since I can’t be everywhere in New England in a single weekend, I rely on a group of Photographer friends to let me know what they are seeing.
So, yes, DO as I say and not as I DO… 🙂
Here is a shortlist of what I feel are stress contributors, although your list may be different
- Driving long hours only to arrive at your desired location but finding little to no color?
- If I don’t make reservations will I be able to find a place to sleep at night?
- IF the weather isn’t perfect, am I really out of luck???
This is a basic list and if you have other stress factors, let me know…
Number one stress factor – Driving long hours, locating a great spot to photograph but no color! This is Lake Willoughby and not once have I caught it at peak. I try in different years at different times. This does not deter me nor should you be deterred…

To me, a stress-free trip means NOT spending the whole day on the road driving and normally, this is exactly what I do. Of course, my mission is to scout out the fall foliage and broadcast what I find through my blogs and social media posts. This causes me to head out and do this to help you. But! How many of you hear a friend come back from their vacation and say “I need a vacation from my vacation”.
There is NO sure-fire way to beat this one. But you can minimize it in a couple of ways. First, follow my fall foliage blog, where you will find the resources from links to the sites I research from to my posts on real-time reports from photographer friends around New England and my own observations. Use this information to make good decisions.
Next don’t try to cover all of New England in one trip. Look at your dates and pick one or two locations to visit. There are no dates that I can guarantee success. I can say if you arrive around Columbus Day or just after, you will have the greatest latitude for selecting locations to pick from.
The downside and you knew there would be one… [Crowds] During Columbus Day Weekend, everybody always heads into New England for this long holiday weekend.
Reservations… and whether to make them or not
If you want to “wing it” then you need to get here on a Monday and leave on a Friday because everybody who makes reservations arrives on Friday and “usually” leaves on Sunday or Monday. So don’t plan on getting into a place on the weekends. Ok, Could I be wrong? Of course but unless you are willing to sleep in that cold backseat all night, do you want to chance it?
I have a friend who came for two weeks and only made two reservations for one night a piece the entire time. But… you knew there’d be a BUT… somewhere in here, right? He told me horror stories about the places he stayed at. He experienced minor things like taking a smoking room all the way to having small furry guests in the room, all night… His girlfriend who was with him on this trip left him after this… 🙂 Ok, you make your call on this one… Was it the smoky room or the furry friends?
The bottom line is Reservations are best. Nobody wants to be locked into a reservation when it’s totally in the wrong location for the fall colors. But if you choose a good BOP then you’ll have a good chance. What’s a BOP? More on that below…
If you are showing up on Tuesday and leaving on Friday BEFORE Columbus Day weekend… problem solved, you just missed all the traffic and you saw all the foliage they will be seeing from behind their windshields.

Next, about those windshields, get out from behind them. Yes, leave the car and take a walk and explore. You would be amazed at what you will find if you actually explore the area. To ensure you feel you have time to get out and explore, plan to travel no more than 100 miles in a day. Yes, you can travel safely 300+ miles on the highway but that is getting you from point A to point B in the minimum time.
Plan on getting out at every bridge and scenic outlook and really enjoy them. Plan to watch the sunrise coming over the horizon and standing at the edge of a pond and watching the far bank and hillside light up with those fiery reds and golds of autumn.
If your weather is wicked crappy… is your vacation ruined?
A word from your sponsor…
I want to let you know that I don’t run “in your face” ADs on this site (BUT… I do have affiliate Ads)
This doesn’t mean I don’t have costs. I have Website costs, hotels/Inns, gas, and of course, cider donuts and my pumpkin spice coffee’s all add up!
If you find what I do to be a service to your fall foliage planning then please think about supporting me in any of the following ways.
- Choose my artwork to put on your walls. Framed prints, canvas gallery wraps along with Home decor can be purchased securely from my online Art Gallery. Even small items like mugs, totes, or puzzles help me out and keep me going!!!
- Purchase via my affiliate links. you may see Amazon-linked products I own, or other affiliates to try out, they pay me a few pennies from your purchase.
- If you book your reservations from Expedia or from my links I also receive a little compensation.
- Purchase my yearly calendars. You have different calendars to choose from with New England images, Fall Foliage, Lighthouses, or covered bridges. This will allow you to explore New England from top to bottom in all seasons.
Want a more direct way? Become a patron by sending directly via my Patron Page. Here you can send via the secure form to Paypal with your debit or credit card. (no you don’t need a Paypal account)
Some options for having a stress-free fall foliage trip.
Ideas that reduce stress
- BOP – Base of Operations
- Central location based on dates
- Not trying to drive all-day
- Having alternative plans ready in case the weather is “Wicked Crappy” “Plan B locations”
- Lynn W. suggests a converted camper van. “you don’t have to worry or pay for a place to sleep! I know from experience” (quote by Lynn)
Choose a Base of Operations:
This one step can solve much of your stress. A Base of Operations (yes, a military term) is nothing more than a location that based on your dates, will be centrally located so you can travel north or south to find color.
- First, you don’t have to worry at the end of the day about where you are going to stay.
- Second, you’re awake each morning, well-rested. You can start the day with lots of energy and be on your way to having a great vacation.
- Thirdly, you are already either in the heart of New England’s fall foliage or very near to it.
- For instance, you arrive on 1 Oct, so you plan to stay at a wonderful B&B in the North East Kingdom (Peacham VT) or somewhere near there. Now for the next few days, you get up in the morning and get reports from the owners where they suggest you should go such as foliage festivals and the like, and then on the 3rd or 4th day you pack up and travel south (Why south? The color always moves south, so you should too.)
- Maybe over into NH in the White Mountains. You can explore all those towns and some festivals and then you head home. Or maybe a bit further South.
- Don’t drive too much… IE. you leave Stowe, drive to Woodstock and the covered bridge, heading east into New Hampshire, Hit the Kanc and a couple scenic spots there. Up Route 16 through Conway, catch Lunch, and continue North past Jackson (did you stop at their covered bridge and Ravenwood? Hit the Mount Washington Auto Rd, or did you go across Route 16 to Wildcat Mountain taking the gondola to the top? Continue North to Gorham heading West till Dinner… someplace and finally hitting your pillow and dead to the world after driving 300-500 miles in a day. If you tried to do this you would have missed so much…
- Plan for Plan Bs if the Weather is “Wicked Crappy” Covered Bridges look great, Maybe tours of Historic homes, or historical sites… Depends on what you like to do…
Did you cover all of New England? No! But you might have a really meaningful vacation and you found some great little places to share with your friends, and hopefully, you got some wonderful snapshots of New England fall foliage… No color? Well, that is why they have postcards in the stores… 🙂
Or you can go to my online gallery and purchase a print to hang on your wall. You can say “The next time, we’ll go find where he found this and see what we find”.
Jeff Foliage Folger
Autumn is a state of mind more than a time of year – Jeff Foliage
- Visit my Fine Art America Gallery
- Visit my Amazon store to pick up New England-related materials
- Visit my Pictorem Gallery (Free shipping in the US and Canada)
- My Facebook foliage page
- Follow our new Fall Foliage FB Group!
- You can visit Lisa’s Artist Facebook Page by clicking here
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