15 New England fall foliage locations not to miss on 1 October
Greetings my fall foliage friends! As I write this, I’m finding people want to know what they “might” find in early October or late Sept. Here are some examples that I have found over the years. My results may not be your results because as I always say… EVERY year is different. That said these are some of my finds, Enjoy!
This leaves us with autumn to think about. If you’re planning on coming to New England and if your dates correspond to the beginning of October then you should pay close attention to this article. I went back through years of images and found all the locations where I found really good color on or about 1 October.
Bonus spot… If you were counting, the above image in Swanton Vermont (#16) is light on the fall colors but it has TONS of Autumn harvest colors. And yes I love this wonderful part of Vermont.
These images are anywhere from 23 September to 1 October. The fall foliage locations are in the captions along with the date and if you don’t know where a place is, do a search at the top of the page because I probably have done an article on that location. [Locations by state]

New Hampshire


“Caveat foliage seeker”
Let the foliage seeker beware! (yes I invented that)As you can see on or about 1 October, you can find varying degrees of fall colors through northern New England. Some years will be better than others. Also, you will notice I don’t stay home just because it’s a rainy overcast day. I make the best of what Mother Nature gives me.
I will tell you always to seek foliage while you are doing something else! This way you are sure to have a great time and if you get great color!!! then so much the better. On the other hand, if you get rains and the colors stop developing then you are back to plan B and have a train ride planned or plans for some historical places to visit then you will be warm and dry, enjoying a train ride and having fun… who knows maybe the sun will come out if you ignore it long enough.. 🙂
Jeff Foliage Folger
Autumn is a state of mind more than a time of year – Jeff Foliage
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Jeff, You are the MAN! You also have the best job in the world as far as
I’m concerned. We come up to Mendon Mountain, Killington area every Oct right before Columbus Day. We usually leave the Sunday before Columbus Day and have been finding past peak foliage. I was thinking about moving our annual pilgrimage to pay homage to the leaf goddesses and gods to the last week of September. Also was thinking about making Stowe our home base this year. What do you think?
Well, I don’t get over to Rutland that often but to me the only reason you’d be getting passed color is the elevation. Usually 7-10 would be close to peak in that area but in 2012 over in Woodstock and Pomfret the color was mostly gone by but it was a decidedly unusual year. It was cold at night much of Sept which caused many trees to start early. Was this the same pattern in 2013 also?
It also may be due to frost in the mountains or a lack of enough cold temps.
Moving to stowe? Well that is a beautiful area but very busy. Can you even get reservations at this time of the year?
Here are two pictures that are on my fall foliage facebook page. one is 23 Sept and the Other 27 sept and Stowe.(2013) use your own judgement but I still wouldn’t do stowe much before the 5th of Oct. https://www.facebook.com/NewEnglandFoliage/posts/10152516279358718