Columbus Day Weekend Ends Glorious but is the Foliage Over?
(This article was written in 2015)
First, I want to thank my readers who have stopped back in to tell me how much my research and my miles (currently 3475 as of 12 Oct) mean to them. It lets me know that I’m helping and I’m not wasting my time. Also, I want to thank those folks who have donated to “keeping Jeff on the road” You may have seen an “AD” pop up in my articles and these folks have straight out, donated. I am quite humbled when I get that notification from Paypal. If you look on the menu bar up top there is a page for it also. 🙂
Is the foliage over? Not yet!

This weekend from what I saw on Facebook and in blog feedback was outstanding. Lisa and I went to Maine on Saturday to the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village. They had a small festival going on with Vendors and demonstrations of iron forge work and wood turning the old fashion way. Apples and cheese and food were plentiful (and good!)
But as you look at the Shaker Meetinghouse on the left you would say “Jeff is crazy! There are no fall colors there!” And you would be right on so MANY levels…
Now I’ll post an image from just a few miles away and you will be reminded why I say, “The colors can go from green to great in the space of a few miles, so just explore a little and you will find some“…
Stowe and Smuggler’s Notch, Vermont
I had been planning to get back up to Stowe and Smuggler’s Notch for some time now. I have been waiting for words from anyone saying the fall colors had “Really” arrived but all was quiet. My worry is always that the foliage will be over before I have a chance to visit!
Columbus Day 12 October 2015
So Monday morning my alarm was going off and I didn’t know why so I turned it off, but before I could drift back to sleep (it was 4 AM), a dim thought came forward to remind me that I was going north this morning. So I stumbled into the dark hallway to pull my big boy’s pants on and try not to wake Lisa up who had to go to work a few hours later.
I love starting the day this early, I just wish I could do so without getting out of bed… But, this is when the good pictures are made. I stayed on the highway (I-93 to I-89) and by 5:30 I was starting to see hilltops poking through the low-lying fog on 89 as I exited onto Route 100. I arrived at the entrance to Smuggler’s Notch with only a few people there.

I had been inspired by a photograph by a past Guild member, Matt Stearns who photographed the “Notch” at dawn, and four years later I finally got there on a sun-drenched morning to tackle the bright fall colors.

I’m not a hiker, and no one will mistake me for one, but I’m not afraid of walking up a hill. And what a hill that is, whew! I can also demonstrate that in no way is the foliage over in Smuggler’s Notch on this Columbus Day in 2015. (Remember different years yield different results)
Gentle Giant Sleigh and Carriage Rides
Later this morning, I stopped at the Gentle Giant Sleigh and Carriage Rides which is just south of Smuggler’s Notch. They have buggies and buckboards for spring through fall and sleighs for when more inclement weather arrives in Stowe Vermont. (call ahead to make a reservation).
The Gentle Giants refers to their beautiful draft horses. I only caught the one ride going out and it looks to be a very comfortable ride through the covered bridge and into the woods. I bet that is an awesome way to see the fall colors in Stowe Vermont!

I slowly made my way over 302 and Route 25, ending up in Wait’s River where I caught one of the classic Vermont scenic Icons. If you want to locate this scenic Vermont view then pick up one of the books in my Amazon store, Many of them I have in my library
Well I drove 516 miles on Columbus Day and that is what I always tell you not to do but when the fall colors are this glorious, I won’t blame you for doing a lot of miles.
Jeff Foliage Folger
Autumn is a state of mind more than a time of year – Jeff Foliage
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Thanks for all the posts Jeff. Finishing up our trip and found some great foliage – but I am from the South so note this all new to me. We are staying in Wolfboro on the lake and while it is pretty we saw so many colors on the Kancamagus highway today – just amazing. Seemed to be a bit more muted near Lincoln but near Conway the colors were wonderful. The trees near the lake re still pretty green in comparison. Safe travels.
Went West into the Berkshires. Along the Masspike Route 90 thru Westfield to Lee – there was a lot of color…Really Vibrant Yellows and Reds. As we drove to Great Barrington, Stockbridge and then up Route 7 to Pittsfield and then over to Route 9 and then thru Northampton and then to Deerfield, Sunderland and back down to Pioneer Valley – The colors were changing but were very dull and there was a LOT of Green. I think the next 2 weeks will be nice as it will be Peak then.
Thanks for the report Bob…
Hi Jeff ,
Amazing coverage .. astonishing … and I really appreciate the tremendous hard work that you are putting into this.
Now, I have promised my wife to take her to see the fall colors in VT this year ( we live in Edison, NJ ), and we are expecting our first baby in the last week of NOV, so I would need your immensely valuable input to decide on a VT foliage trip .. we are planning to go to VT this coming weekend… AM I TOO LATE to witness the fall in VT, are we past peak already ?
If not please give me some outlines as to where all I can possibly go where we can witness some amazing colors..
Much Much thanks in advance !!
From what I hear Groton Vt over to Stowe and south along the green mountains to the southern Vermont border is looking good. We’re getting rain on Saturday so bring your rain coat!. Plan on hot cider south of Stowe on Route 100 at cold hollow cider mill (can’t miss that and you could try Ben and Jerry’s tour… maybe the walking will trigger something and they will name a flavor of ice cream in honor of your early arrival… 🙂 (kidding) Sunday look sunnier or at least less rainy. There is a sleigh ride place that I named in the article and they are $39 ea. Could be very relaxing…
Jeff, If you had to pick a few places where you think the foliage will be “FANTASTIC” this coming weekend, October 17-18, where would that be? I live in Lexington, just northwest of Boston, and can drive anywhere in NH, ME, VT or MA. My plan will be to drive there Saturday, stay overnight and drive some more Sunday, ultimately finding my way home. What would be your suggestion? Thanks so much!!
I’m in Salem so just a jump away.. central VT and NH and southern Maine should all be great. There are holes in the fall colors in the northern white mountains but that is where I’m heading tomorrow… Good Luck! Read my article in the morning for NH lakes region route and ideas… All shots are from Wednesday
Back from a week (Oct. 5 – 11) mainly in New Hampshire, some in Massachusetts. The best color we found was in the Franconia – Sugar Hill – Littleton – Bethlehem area of NH. Three nights at the Inn on Golden Pond in Holderness where the colors were just beginning to show around Squam Lake.
Thank you for your reports! We drove from Louisiana to Vermont & just arrived last night. I depend on your reports a lot to help us determine where to hit first. We are here until the 26th, so keep ’em coming!
Thanks again,
We’ll take a look at Stowe and smuggler’s notch was very colorful on Monday then look east and south
Thanks for the suggestions. I’m going to finalize my plans this evening and would love to hear your comments about the northern white mountains’s colors, especially along the Kancamagus Highway, before I make my final plan. Also, is the Kittery area, and Kennebunkport area considered in the southern ME area that should be be “popping” with color this weekend?
I have a feeling the Kanc will still be good this weekend (I can’t believe I’m saying that) 🙂
I heard that Stowe was very good today and Woodstock area and back into NH along Route 4 and 11 was excellent.
I have a report that Bethlehem and down into Crawford Notch is still showing lots of grey color but be prepared for leaf loss due to winds. That is the battle we are fighting right now.