A Valuable Lesson in Fall Foliage Planning
This is my most valuable lesson for planning a fall foliage trip!
This also goes for most trips year round so feel free to use it during the rest of the year…
The #1 problem in fall foliage planning is Mother Nature

I bet you thought you would have, or hoped you would have, all warm sunny days and cool crisp nights with nothing but intoxicating autumn colors as far as the eye can see. Well, I’ve been doing this for quite a while now, and I think this should be an Olympic event. One that we
I can see your faces right now, marked with confusion. “You mean I don’t just get into the car and it’s all around me?” Well, sometimes, but most often I’m left wondering where the heck are the fall colors? They should be right here! (Worse yet, I said so in my blog!).
This is a big expenditure for all of us and, yes, I live here in Massachusetts so I don’t have to drive THAT far, but it still can be a long day, even for me.
Some days you may have perfect weather, but what if it rains? Maybe it’s just cloudy with low clouds, and you can feel the rain threatening when you look out the window. I was in Rangeley Maine and I almost went back to bed.
Some years ago, I found Beaver Pond, and since then I stop back at least once as autumn rolls around. I need to walk around it one of these days…
The #2 Problem is fall foliage planning takes more effort
I was leaving at
I got off in Lincoln New Hampshire on Route 112, and I stop for gas and coffee. I came out of a gas station and look at the mountains in the early dawn light, yup, crap… Just dull grey, but I pressed on because I DON’T KNOW WHAT
Remember East on 112 is the Kancamagus Highway (Kanc), but I headed west on 112 which takes me through Woodstock NH.
So after passing through Woodstock New Hampshire, I drive about another 4 or so miles and Beaver Pond is on the left. I have some photography tips on this spot. If you need directions then read this article that has a nice route to Beaver Pond over to Sugar Hill.
These first two images are what I was presented with when I pulled in. Remember… cloudy and overcast means don’t include the sky. But it still means it can provide great images.

Anyway, I get there and I’m all by myself. I’m the only person in the small parking lot and there isn’t a whisper of
Clouds and rain can be a photographers friends
The near side of the pond is as dark as the evergreens reflected in the water but the far edge of the pond has softer reflections that echo the rising hills above the water. A soft mist hangs in the air above the pond and the higher you look the more obscured the view is.
Last rule not to be ignored either!
TURN AROUND!!! I’m not kidding, I know I get so focused on what is in front of me that I usually miss what is right behind me. In this case, these are the sugar in the Sugar Hills of New Hampshire fall colors. To my eyes, I see an entire hill peeking out from under a blanket of white cloud with the hillside entirely in red sugar maples. I couldn’t find a good view of it to photograph, but even from this vantage point (the parking lot at the Beaver Pond), seeing this made my heart sing for joy!

So when you get handed lemons by Mother Nature, then you need to make lemonade, I know it’s an old one but it really does apply here. Also, these chances for mirror-like reflections appear and disappear with every breeze. With that said, I was standing by my car wondering If I should continue shooting when a strong breeze comes in from the east and the reflection is gone and then some light rain starts, so I jump into my car.
I drove up to Sugar Hill, and most of the rest of the
Jeff Foliage Folger
Autumn is a state of mind more than a time of year – Jeff Foliage
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Thanks, Jeff. I live in Fort Lauderdale, FL and have been planning a trip since June. I’m an amateur photographer. I land in Portland, ME midnight 9/30 and return from Albany, NY the evening of 10/2. It’ll be a very busy weekend, but I’m keeping all options open in search of Autumn colors.
Thanks, Jeff. I live in Fort Lauderdale, FL and have been planning a trip since June. I’m an amateur photographer. I land in Portland, ME midnight 9/30 and return from Albany, NY the evening of 10/2. It’ll be a very busy weekend, but I’m keeping all options open in search of Autumn colors.
I love your stories and your trials. All photographers have them, the successes just completely over shadow those!
I love your stories and your trials. All photographers have them, the successes just completely over shadow those!
Never bored! Keep ’em coming Jeff! Love the knowledge I gather fom your travels and experience…even if it’s overcast and rainy and 330am for ya started out!
Never bored! Keep ’em coming Jeff! Love the knowledge I gather fom your travels and experience…even if it’s overcast and rainy and 330am for ya started out!
What happened after the wet dirt track ?
Maybe I’ll work on that… 🙂
What happened after the wet dirt track ?
Maybe I’ll work on that… 🙂
Thanks for the stories and encouragement. My husband and I are going to Maine on 9/24/16 for 10 days. We are looking forward to visiting. We are coming from Atlanta, GA, but grew up in Indiana where fall is a very beautiful time of year. Looking forward to the trip.
Thanks for the stories and encouragement. My husband and I are going to Maine on 9/24/16 for 10 days. We are looking forward to visiting. We are coming from Atlanta, GA, but grew up in Indiana where fall is a very beautiful time of year. Looking forward to the trip.
Absolutely love your words of your happy trails that lead to amazing photos and even can feel your disappointment in not finding the perfect fall photo. But I so appreciate your willingness to rise above that and continue on your road to pursure another place, another discovery and another somewhere to enjoy! BTW, we are sitting here enjoying coffee out of the cups you sent us some years ago of lighthouses!
I love their mugs… I think I need to get some new ones 🙂