The Zen of Fall Foliage
That single moment when you get out of the car and fall foliage colors as far as the eye can see and your heart swells with joy. I will tell you now, that I, The great and powerful foliage guru, don’t find these “Perfect fall foliage moments” EVERY season.
I will admit to all of you that there have been many fall foliage seasons that I didn’t hit it just right. My work schedule might preclude me from getting on the road when I needed to. So what are you going to do? I mean if I live in New England and don’t find it every season, What hope do you have, when you only have 3-4 days? This is why we are going to talk about…

The Zen of Fall Foliage
We can always blame it on Mother Nature. “She was very confused this year”, “She ended the season with a snowstorm”, No, it wasn’t my fault, it was Mother Nature! (That is my excuse and I’m sticking to it) In 2005 we had record rainfall and the Guru at Yankee Magazine was scratching his head (this was before I became their fall foliage blogger). I remember hearing the stress in his voice during a podcast in early Oct, saying “it will be only a little longer”. Actually, it almost didn’t show at all, so let’s be hopeful for no (or few) repeats of that year.
Instead, let us talk about…
Enjoying this Zen Moment

This is that happy moment when you come upon a scene that makes your heart sing. Sometimes, it’s a glorious reflection of orange and red on the surface of a pond. Sometimes it’s because I think I’ve come upon a perfect covered bridge surrounded by fall colors that will make many of you want to have it on your walls. 🙂
When I say “Zen moment”, I have to say during the fall foliage season, I don’t have many moments I can think of. Most days I’m zipping all around the Northeast Kingdom, the White Mountains, or wherever… The images below are as close as I can come to a “Zen moment”.
A Zen Moment means Relaxing and Accepting
Sometimes I’m out on the road and it’s early and the sun is just climbing over the near hills. I’ve stopped for gas or coffee (or both) and I take a moment to just pause… This, for me, is a Zen moment. I look up on the hills and enjoy the fall colors or maybe say to myself that they are not quite there yet and yet the early colors are nice.
I just relax and enjoy being there at that moment. The sky may be cloudy and the air has an autumn chill to it, but it is very pleasant.
Maybe the leaves are swirling around my feet as walk down a trail. I dress for the weather with my favorite fleece shirt with a light jacket over it, comfortable jeans, and well-broken-in hiking boots making the time spent watching the sun break through the clouds, even for only a moment, a zen moment.
It can also be anything that makes you happy. This means less stress and less stress equals enjoying your vacation. If I’ve said this once, I’ve said it a thousand times, If you get home from your vacation needing another vacation, then you are doing it wrong.
What is your Zen fall foliage moment?
A zen moment can be summed up by feeling peaceful and relaxed. An example of zen as an adjective is to have a zen experience, which is how you feel during a day at the spa. This image (below) was in my backyard and just out in the woods. I could step out of my back door and look up into the upper boughs of the trees in this little grouping of maples. I would just tilt my head back and watch the changing light filtering through the multi-colored leaves.

Because I’m at home, I don’t have anywhere to be. There is no feeling rushed because I have other places to check on and then make a report. These “Zen Moments” are important but they are few and far between.
A message from our sponsor
I want to let you know that I don’t run “in your face” ADs on this site (BUT… I do have affiliate Ads)
This doesn’t mean I don’t have costs. I have Website costs, hotels/Inns, gas, and of course, cider donuts and my pumpkin spice coffee’s all add up!
If you find what I do to be a service to your fall foliage planning then please think about supporting me in any of the following ways.
- Choose my artwork to put on your walls. Framed prints, canvas gallery wraps along with Home decor can be purchased securely from my online Art Gallery. Even small items like mugs, totes, or puzzles help me out and keep me going!!!
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- Purchase my yearly calendars. You have different calendars to choose from with New England images, Fall Foliage, Lighthouses, or covered bridges. This will allow you to explore New England from top to bottom in all seasons.
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How about letting us know what your happiest Zen moment has been during fall foliage season?
Now, if you don’t feel you’ve had a Zen fall foliage moment yet? Well, Keep reading my blog over the next weeks or months and maybe we can help you find your very own Zen fall foliage moment.
Remember, it’s more about enjoying the moment where you are! Because at that point in time, if you embrace the moment and just enjoy it, you will have a Zen fall foliage moment.
May the Fall Foliage “Force” be with you!
We have to fight the urge to rush around during a fall foliage expedition, and I’m very guilty of this… You need to push away those thoughts that say, “It’s bound to be better around the next turn in the road“. If you allow these demons to whisper in your ear that “this isn’t really peak, follow me, I know where it is“!
If you don’t want to listen to me then pay attention young Foliage Jedi, Yoda said, “All his life has he looked away… to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. …Hmm? Or what he was doing.” (translation, be in the moment!)
Wise was this short green puppet… But I digress, Very simply, if you find yourself with a colorful fall foliage situation, enjoy it! because if you continue to look away at what might be out there, you may never finish your fall foliage Jedi training. Sorry, listening to the orchestra play Star Wars last night before the fireworks has me channeling Star Wars. If my Star Wars references are leaving you confused, please go back to 1977 and watch “A New Hope” over again, and then continue this article.
Then again, Yoda tells Anakin that fearing loss makes one greedy, thus, in turn, making one more apt to turn to the dark side. The dark side, in this case, leads you to run from tree to pond to hillside looking for the perfect fall colors. The dark side is unfulfilling and leaves you unhappy because you can’t simply be happy with what you did find.
This is the power of the fall foliage force! (OK, I’ll quit now…)
The final takeaway
I don’t think I can teach you to stay in your Zen fall foliage moments, as I have only achieved it on certain occasions myself, most notably when my wife, Lisa is along. When I have her with me I find I enjoy the moment more and can focus on it because we are sharing it together.
Maybe that is all to the secret there is, Sharing the moment with someone allows you to focus on that moment… I hope this helps.
Jeff Foliage Folger
Autumn is a state of mind more than a time of year – Jeff Foliage
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Probably when I view my photos!
Probably when I view my photos!
I believe that you are dead on when you speak of sharing a fall trip with some one…I enjoy traveling with my wife Mary.We really enjoy discovering a special foliage view or just stopping some place and sharing a snack before heading to the next foliage spot. It is about the overall experience to us and ,yes ,we like everyone else, love to visit an area that is at peak foliage. We also like to visit areas that we have seen in past years just to compare the differences from year to year… We are looking forward to another trip to Vermont,New York, New Hampshire and Maine again this October 2017…Viewing fall foliage does get in your blood!!!!
I agree, it’s in mine… 🙂
I believe that you are dead on when you speak of sharing a fall trip with some one…I enjoy traveling with my wife Mary.We really enjoy discovering a special foliage view or just stopping some place and sharing a snack before heading to the next foliage spot. It is about the overall experience to us and ,yes ,we like everyone else, love to visit an area that is at peak foliage. We also like to visit areas that we have seen in past years just to compare the differences from year to year… We are looking forward to another trip to Vermont,New York, New Hampshire and Maine again this October 2017…Viewing fall foliage does get in your blood!!!!
I agree, it’s in mine… 🙂
the best part of Fall Foliage in New England- aside from discovering new places- new scenic spots- or new ponds with reflections or just enjoying a new restaurant or local stand- is seeing it thru the eyes of someone who has never been there- I love sharing the joy of discovery- of the aha moment that the reds are really that red- and the carpet of colors is there to see with your own eyes- I never tire of that. I guess that is why I continue to enjoy taking others and sharing those moments!
the best part of Fall Foliage in New England- aside from discovering new places- new scenic spots- or new ponds with reflections or just enjoying a new restaurant or local stand- is seeing it thru the eyes of someone who has never been there- I love sharing the joy of discovery- of the aha moment that the reds are really that red- and the carpet of colors is there to see with your own eyes- I never tire of that. I guess that is why I continue to enjoy taking others and sharing those moments!
I’m addicted to fall foliage in New England. I live in Arkansas but have come up to New England the past 2 Years in October. I may live in Arkansas but my heart is in New England. I love the beautiful colors and all the rich history there. Yours pictures are beautiful & I always look forward to reading your blog. You are one blessed man to live where you do and make a living by doing what you love. You do a great job!
I’m addicted to fall foliage in New England. I live in Arkansas but have come up to New England the past 2 Years in October. I may live in Arkansas but my heart is in New England. I love the beautiful colors and all the rich history there. Yours pictures are beautiful & I always look forward to reading your blog. You are one blessed man to live where you do and make a living by doing what you love. You do a great job!