Madame Sherri, Adding a Little Local Color
Far off in the woods of New Hampshire is the ruins of a grand, little “castle.”

Part of what is now a conservation forest was once the summer getaway of an eclectic character, Antoinette Sherri, a costume designer for the Ziegfeld Follies in the 1920’s. “The Ziegfeld Follies were also famous for their display of many beautiful chorus girls, commonly known as Ziegfeld girls, who “paraded up and down flights of stairs as anything from birds to battleships.” Dancers, entertainers, singers, and comedians filled the stage.
It seems Madame Sherri had lavish parties at her little castle in the woods which she had built in the 1930s. She spent time in Chesterfield to get away from the hustle of the city and became a regular spectacle, being driven around town in her ‘motor car,’ it is said wearing nothing but her fur coat! The townspeople seemed to have loved their local celebrity.
By the early ’60’s, Madame Sherri no longer visited the home, and it had fallen into disrepair and burned in 1962. The good Madame died several years later in poverty.

When you visit, listen carefully. Can you hear the laughter in the wind and the music in the trees?
Locating the Ruins in Madame Sherri Forrest
“The Madame Sherri Forest is located on the Gulf Road. Coming from the east on Rt. 9 take Rt. 63 south through Chesterfield Village past the town hall. At approx. 1.6 miles from Rt. 9 and take a right on Stage Rd. Then shortly after, bear left onto Castle Rd. Castle Rd will join Gulf Rd and continues to the Madame Sherri Forest approx. 2.6 miles from Rt. 63. The entrance on the left is notable for a red steel gate. From the west take a right just after the Riverside Store along the Connecticut River. Gulf Rd., bears quickly off to the left and continues approx. 2.2 miles to the forest entrance. All non-motorized travel is welcomed on the trails.” [Here is the Google Map]
We did drive by the entrance twice before we noticed the sign through the overhanging branches of trees, so be on the lookout.

2021 update on Madame Sherri’s castle
Due to age, weather, and generally, people walking on the stairs, part of the stairs has collapsed. Please if you go and visit, do not climb on the stairs or allow your kids on the stairs. Please let them stand for years to come for other visitors to enjoy.
Learn more about the Ziegfeld Follies:
Learn more about the Madame Sherri Forest:
Learn more about Madame Sherri:
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