Fall Foliage Throughout the Year!
Just some fall foliage eye candy for you. A review of some images I have used in my past years’ fall foliage calendars. Locations are listed with the images as well as links to the images in my gallery. Should I do a new 12 months of fall foliage calendar?
Middlebury Vermont
Mid-October 2014. I had driven up before dawn to meet a photographer, Jane Ogilvie, and she was going to take me to a few of her favorite spots. That day, we saw some awesome colors. As I was leaving her house the sun was starting to come out, and in my side view mirror I saw this scene. I had to stop, it was so breathtaking and I probably should have stayed longer.
She has asked me not to tell where it is, but I can tell you that it’s in the Green Mountains, on the western side (that narrows it down, right?) 😉
Okay!, take Route 125 and add that into the mix and you will be in the vicinity of this spot. It’s not strictly a farm road, there are homes down the left side. You can purchase this image in my online Art Gallery: https://vistaphotography.pixels.com/featured/a-quiet-back-road-stroll-jeff-folger.html
Now on to Chocorua
Lake Chocorua in Early October 6:57 AM, 2 October and I was up before dawn but by the time I get to Tamworth, the sun is illuminating the scenic Lake Chocorua and the mountain.
Carver is filled with red
Red cranberries and the bogs in Carver Massachusetts, and I have spent precious few autumns down on Cape Cod. To be honest there is some great color down there but not all fall colors are on the maple trees…

Lisa and I went down to Carver on a sunny day in October (the 9th). We had no particular place picked out to go, but we stopped at a gas station and they gave us some great advice… Just go down the road a bit and turn left or right and you will find someone harvesting cranberries.
Here is the link to my page on Massachusetts cranberry bogs http://bit.ly/cranberryMA where you can find out about visiting a cranberry bog in Massachusetts
Red Barn in Vermont.
It’s in Hancock Vermont (43°56’30” N 72°50’28.999″ W) on Route 100, and just south of Buffalo Farm Road. I actually had a comment on my Instagram account by the brother of the man who owns it. I always have trouble finding it and once had to go into Google Street View and virtually “walk” Route 100 till I found it.
I also really prefer a barn to be well off the road and that way I can compose my shot with a zoom telephoto lens. This one is right up near the road but if you stand across the road you can put the high hill behind it and if you arrive during the first week of October you may find a hill full of color behind it. The folks at CBS put the barn in their segment on me on CBS Sunday Morning, so I’m guessing people may want to put that on their list this year.
One last item is parking… THERE ISN’T ANY… Also, there is a rise in the road right at the barn so don’t dive past and pull over, I repeat DON’T do that. Park on the approach to the hill so people can see your car and you and they don’t clear the hill and THEN they see you… That would be bad…
You can purchase this image in my online Art Gallery: https://vistaphotography.pixels.com/featured/route-100-red-barn-jeff-folger.html
Spot of Sunshine in Vermont.
Today we’re back to the same day in October as the first image. Now we are on the side of Mount Snow. This is basically a ski slope that we were exploring. It was a patchy overcast day and I was trying to be patient and waited for a strategically placed hole to open in the clouds.
You see I love to use these beams of light to paint light on the landscape. Somedays you never get it but today the hole in the clouds slid over the landscape to highlight a small stand of birch trees with a hill behind them. The hill was at its peak but due to no direct sunlight, it doesn’t stand out as much. So while I focus your attention on the birches you can’t help but notice the beautiful hill in the background. You can click this link to purchase. http://bit.ly/2HyoP4E
Guildhall Gristmill, Vermont.
The Guildhall Gristmill sits on the edge of the Old Crawford Farm. One would think it dates back to the 1800s but I’m afraid, one of the last families built it in the 1970s. Either way, it’s a fine subject for any time of the year. I, of course, gravitate to it in the autumn.
I know some people like to climb over the fence so the fence is not in their shot but I like to also include it since I can use it as a leading line. The calendar doesn’t reflect this but in other images, it is shown.
Now to find this scenic Vermont location follow this link to my website. https://jeff-foliage.com/2017/09/vermonts-route-102/
The Pine Sentinel Bridge
A different view of a New Hampshire location.
In Franconia Notch, there are tons of trails and things to see. The first is the Flume Gorge Covered Bridge which I highly recommend but its lesser-known cousin is a covered walking bridge, the Pine Sentinel Bridge. Most people might shoot this bridge from head on but if you take the little side trail, you will come down to a viewing platform that gives you a view of the covered bridge and the waterfall underneath. One of these days I will walk across the bridge and view it from the other side and that is a tale for another day…
You can purchase this image in my online Art Gallery: https://vistaphotography.pixels.com/featured/crossing-over-jeff-folger.html
Lincoln Gap or the Warren Covered Bridge
I look for fall images that have an American flag in them for July images in my calendars. As you may guess, It’s not always easy to find. This Vermont location gave me a good image of the flag and fall foliage.
If you travel up Route 100 you generally have the Green Mountains on the western side of your route and when you by Moss Glen Falls you are starting to get close. Just a few miles up on the right is the town of Warren. You will have to leave Route 100 onto Main St. Just follow it for a short distance until you come to the Warren covered bridge. What? You didn’t know this covered bridge is one of many that has multiple names. If you miss the turn for Main Street then look for Covered Bridge Road. One way or another you should be able to find it.
You can purchase this image in my online Art Gallery: https://vistaphotography.pixels.com/featured/lincoln-gap-covered-bridge-jeff-folger.html Let me know if you have found this one already.
The Hartwell Tavern in fall foliage
The Hartwell’s Tavern in the Minute Man National Historical Park, Lexington, Massachusetts is a piece of Massachusetts history. This restored tavern is along the route of the Battle Road, the site of running skirmishes between British and Colonial troops during the Battle of Lexington and Concord in April of 1775.
I was traveling down Route 2A to work one day and I saw some nice colors. Beyond the parking lot, you take a walk down the lane and at the crossroads, you find the Tavern. You should time this visit for mid-October to find the old maples overhead in flaming orange… (but I have seen them on drier years more yellow)
Find this image in my gallery at https://vistaphotography.pixels.com/featured/hartwell-tavern-under-canopy-of-fall-foliage-jeff-folger.html
Happy Foliage Trails!
Red Barn New Hampshire
This red barn was found one morning (Remember the fall recall) in 2012 on October 2nd, I had left the Beaver Pond continuing up Route 112 to 116 and traveled it for about 20 minutes or 12.9 miles. This road is a little twisty and very enjoyable in the morning hours and if you get a little misty fog then all the better.
You can purchase this image in my online Art Gallery: https://vistaphotography.pixels.com/featured/fall-colors-dawn-over-franconia-nh-jeff-folger.html
I need bumper stickers that say I brake for red covered bridges… Caution! I brake for red barns ALSO!
Vermont Pumpkins and Autumn Flowers
Hudak’s is a farm stand on the Swanton/St Albans border in Northwestern Vermont. My wife Lisa loves to show me all about the places where she grew up. We stopped by there some years back and I couldn’t stop taking pictures. I gave them some greeting cards that I had made up to thank them for creating such a wonderful landscape.
Purchase this image here: https://vistaphotography.pixels.com/featured/vermont-pumpkins-and-autumn-flowers-jeff-folger.html
Foggy Morning on Cloudland Road
Everybody loves the Sleepy Hollow farm, and you have to count me in with that number. But as I told CBS, “sometimes the journey is more important than the destination”. This journey was a foggy morning with the sun just clearing the hills to the east of Cloudland Road.
Driving Alert: The town of Pomfret will close Cloudland Road from 23 September to 15 October this year to stop the level of traffic in front of the Sleepy Hollow farm. The farm has been causing so many traffic issues, that the town finally decided to stop all motorized traffic. Also on the other end of Cloudland Road which is Barbor Rd, that is also limited traffic so no slipping in that way Also if you try to park within walking distance, that will be stopped as well.
I had to stop and was lucky that I was alone on the road this morning (at least for the moment) and I walked back and forth along the road looking at this from different angles. I actually like this better than the images of the Sleepy Hollow Farm that I took a little later.
Purchase this image here: https://vistaphotography.pixels.com/featured/foggy-morning-on-cloudland-road-jeff-folger.html
What are your thoughts on foggy morning landscapes?
Sleepy Hollow, Pomfret Vermont
This installment of my New England Fall Foliage calendar will highlight a piece of Vermont landscape.
This is the last installment and in the last month we were further down Cloudland Road and now we have arrived a little further up the road at the Sleepy Hollow Farm. Arnold John Kaplan introduced me to the history of the Grey Farm (as he referred to it) and he wrote about it in his booklet, “How to Photograph Vermont Scenics” (No longer available). I photographed this image on 16 October 2015. At 3:20 PM in the afternoon. I’ve tried this in the morning with the sun behind the farm but I prefer the sun behind and off my right shoulder.
That is it for this year, I hope you enjoyed this journey!
Jeff Foliage Folger
Autumn is a state of mind more than a time of year – Jeff Foliage
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Beautiful work (as always), Jeff!!! Ron
Thanks Ron
Beautiful work (as always), Jeff!!! Ron
Thanks Ron