Exploring Pomfret Vermont in Autumn
This is what I call a Vermont Backroad Ramble in Autumn. There are quiet backroads in every state and this is but one for you to explore.
Please read the important notice below!
Our day started over in New Hampshire and my goal was to head up into the White Mountains. But… Lisa and I are easily diverted by bright shiny fall colors and we started by capturing a couple of covered bridges (That will be another day’s story though) and we rambled along Route 4 through Lebanon New Hampshire.
We stopped at a Farm Market on Route 4 since I had an interview scheduled with a local radio station. So I talked to them for a bit and then Lisa and I continued on to Vermont. As we crossed into Vermont we turned north and away from Woodstock Vermont. We headed North to find an area Lisa and I had not really explored before. Pomfret Vermont.
North of Woodstock to Pomfret Vermont
We drove North on Route 14 which runs parallel to Route 89. We then took Pomfret Road to the west. This will meander its way to Hewitt’s Corners. If you stay on the paved road your GPS may say either Pomfret Rd or Stage Road and you will see images like these on the west side of the road. All of today’s shots were with a 24-105mm lens on 16 October

Cloudland Road to Sleepy Hollow and back again
On this afternoon we discovered many wonderful places in Pomfret. We only used our Vermont Gazetteer to get around. I knew that the Sleepy Hollow Farm was on Cloudland Road so Lisa found the route we needed was back behind us. We took Dana Road South off Stage Road. From there we caught Old Kings Hwy to Galaxy Hill Road and then Cloudland Road. We followed this down until we found the Sleepy Hollow Farm.
Driving Alert: The town of Pomfret will close Cloudland Road from 23 September to 15 October this year to stop the level of traffic in front of the Sleepy Hollow farm. The farm has been causing so many traffic issues, that the town finally decided to stop all motorized traffic. Also on the other end of Cloudland Road which is Barbor Rd, that is also limited traffic so no slipping in that way Also if you try to park within walking distance, that will be stopped as well.

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The most frustrating part of this trip is that there are so few places to pull over to take pictures. They are mostly dirt farm roads and most have a culvert on each side for drainage. If I was going to do this right… I would walk the whole thing. That way no one could honk the horn telling me to get back in the car and out of their way.
You see these roads are used by real farmers who need to get somewhere today and not wait for you (or me), to get just the right shot. So always think before you slam on the brakes to go after that perfect shot. Anyway, I got several shots of Sleepy Hollow and… Well, you can read on to see what else we found.
Go back and do it again
We got to the bottom of Cloudland Road and turned around and did it again stopping whenever I could. We drove up Cloudland Road and I stopped again at Sleepy Hollow Farm. Believe it or not, in the brief time I was gone the light changed so dramatically that I had to take a more few shots. And then some more like this hay tedder overlooking this view

Kings Highway and Galaxy Hill
Heading up into the hills of Pomfret Vermont is where you will find the perfect picturesque Vermont farms set amid the Vermont fall colors in October. I would love to spend two whole weeks up here but then who would make foliage reports for all of you?
We turned onto Galaxy Hill Road and there are some beautiful homes along this road I had to stop and pull out my camera.

At the top of this hill is a perfect vantage point to look out on the low-lying hills draped in a tapestry of autumn colors. I got back in the car and continued down the hill but quickly pulled over again. (maybe 50 yards, not making much headway it seems)

There was a farm on the right and beyond the split rail wooden fence and across the lawn were a couple of small red barns. Very neat and edged in white. While behind me on the other side of the road was a larger red barn. If you look carefully in the open doorway, you can see a rope swing. I guess farm life isn’t always all work and no play.

It’s now heading towards 5 PM and we still have to drive back to Salem this night. So we pointed the nose of the car towards home because, as they say, we have miles to go before we sleep…
Jeff Foliage Folger
Autumn is a state of mind more than a time of year – Jeff Foliage
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Great article.Enjoyed reading it
Great article.Enjoyed reading it
Wonderful article. I really enjoyed reading it!
Thank you Cindy, that is why I do this and thank you for letting me know.
Wonderful article. I really enjoyed reading it!
Thank you Cindy, that is why I do this and thank you for letting me know.
Cloudland Rd is now going to be closed to non-residents during foliage season. https://www.mynbc5.com/article/vermonts-most-photographed-place-during-fall-foliage-will-have-restricted-tourist-access/44941011
Thanks, Lisa and I have discussed editing all my articles that mention this. Thanks for reminding me…