Tips for Exploring Smuggler’s Notch
Have you explored Smuggler’s Notch?
If you are saying that you drove Smuggler’s Notch and crossed it off your bucket list, and thought it was a nice scenic drive, then I’ll ask again.
Have you really explored it???
I first drove this back in 2005 or 2006. Then in 2011, I saw an image of the notch from a photographer friend and he said he walked up to get it. I was so inspired by his shot that I put Smuggs back on my bucket list. Over the past few years, I’ve only hit it at peak a couple of times. But no matter what… I try to hit the “Notch” with the right mindset.
What is the right mindset?
For me, this means, I “plan” to be there just for that location. Sometimes that also means:
- Getting there at or before dawn.
- Knowing there are dozens of other spots I “could” be exploring with just as good fall colors, or worse yet, with better color.
- Explore means more than driving by and snapping a shot.
- Forcing myself to focus on being “at this spot” and in the moment.
- Allowing myself the time to just explore and see where it takes me.
Now that I’ve set up the parameters of what it takes for me to really explore a location, you might ask why is this important.
First, anybody can drive through Smuggler’s Notch and stick a camera out the window and get a snapshot. Second, there is no way to just stop (in the middle of the road) and get “that” shot. (NOT “safely” at least. By “that“, I mean a “really good” shot.
There are only a few spots to pull off the road (but with a small car you can do it) but if the traffic is heavy then those folks won’t be wanting to stop while you pull off and hopefully get out of their way.
Parking in these spots with a big car or truck is asking to get hit, so don’t say I didn’t warn you… But with all that said in 2015 and ON Columbus day, In one of those spots is where I parked my Land-Yacht (Grand Maquis). I did not get hit!
Yes, Do as I say… Not as I do...
Jeff Foliage
There are two parking lots. The first is at the bottom on the Stowe side (seen up above), right before the “Notch” starts at the Welcome Center.
The other one is at the upper end of the notch. This is a parking lot for hikers of the Long Trail and it was full by 7 AM when I was there on 12 October (Yes, I drove there on Columbus day).
Driving Through the “Notch”
The images in this article give you a good idea of what it is like to drive “The Notch”.
But back on Columbus Day morning (2015), I got there around 6:50. There were only a few people here this early, so I drove up and then came back down and I pulled into what I felt was the biggest pull-off that I could fit my Land-Yacht into.

I utilized one of the lower (midway) spots because the traffic was still minimal at 0730 that morning and no one was in any of these pull-offs (yet). I hiked up to other vantage points staying off the road when possible. The chances of finding one of these spots later in the day will be the luck of the draw. In these images, you will notice that there are NO/few cars. There were only a few coming up or down the notch. Your results will vary based on the date and time of day.
Snowliage in Smuggler’s Notch
For a photographer, when two seasons collide in the Notch, it’s a dream come true.

It also makes driving the Notch even more of a challenge. Slippery wet leaves and a coating of snow AND Vermont’s twistiest road are not a good mix. But if you are careful, you can navigate it. I also have the advantage of being a licensed drone pilot. The views now available from above are beyond compare.
Why is it called Smuggler’s Notch?
Back in the early 1800s, Thomas Jefferson was under the mistaken belief that our products were so much in demand that we could withhold them from the British and force them to treat us with respect in the postcolonial world stage.
So he shut off our trade, both from and to Britain and Canada. What he didn’t take into account was this impacted the ability of those living along the Canadian border to make a living by their trade with Montreal. They traded across the border, because up there, it was easier to trade with Montreal than with Boston, and those British goods were now forbidden.
Being resourceful, the people along the border merely traded by night, or along routes that were so rough that they could escape the prying eyes of Customs officials. The result is that we created a “Smuggler’s path” from Jeffersonville to Stowe, coming over Mount Mansfield and down through the notch between the mountain and between Spruce Peak and the Sterling Range.
This became known as Smuggler’s Notch and as they say “The rest is history“
I just found out that when you drive this, you are actually driving part of the Long Trail. The Long Trail starts at the Massachusetts border and continues north to the Canadian border (273 miles). At this point, Mount Mansfield is the highest point along the Long Trail… Have a great foliage day!
Finding Smuggler’s Notch
To reach Smuggler’s Notch (I posted a picture on my fall foliage Facebook page and yes, someone did ask where it was… so…) You just need to head to Vermont, and in particular the village of Stowe.
Stowe straddles Route 100 and when you get into the center of town you will see a turnoff to Route 108. You take that north towards Jeffersonville. As you arrive at the Smuggler’s Notch ski resort you will be at the front doorstep of Smuggler’s Notch. PLEASE! do not take your RV! I’ve said it a dozen times and here it is once more.
Smuggler’s notch will eat your RV and spit it out so please don’t try to take it up this route. IF you do please get someone to videotape this and send it to me because I need a good laugh. 🙂
Many a truck driver, following their GPS and ignoring the warnings, have found themselves, quite literally, between a rock and a hard place. It really does look like a great short cut east to west. Every year, one or two end up in a predicament when the road opens in the spring. If you ever drive it, you will see that the warning are there, the fines are there, and why they don’t make it over the other side.
Why explore it when you can find easier places? This is a good question…
Why indeed? It is very steep and dangerous to try to walk this road. SO! You can always just enjoy my pictures and add your own driving experience and you may be satisfied. I’ve included a link to each of the images in this article to their counterpart on my gallery on Fine Art America.
I spent several hours taking my time to walk up and down this steep road. There are only a few paths that keep you off the road. There are huge boulders at many of the hairpin turns in the road and for a few of them, you do have to walk on the traveled edge of the road.
If this is a slow day, you may be fairly safe walking this road but it is not for the faint of heart. Between 6:30 and 8:30, there was minimal traffic. By 9:30 to 10 AM there was serious traffic and I wouldn’t recommend this. The huge boulders with living trees embracing the boulder with their roots, as seen above, are one of the many marvels of the Notch.
Become a patron
You can also visit my donation link and directly contribute to my ‘Keep Jeff on the Road fund.’ I have had many folks send me a donation this past fall, and I was able to pay for several tanks of gas, and some much-needed cups of coffee! PayPal securely handles credit card transactions. Thank you.
Jeff Foliage Folger
Autumn is a state of mind more than a time of year – Jeff Foliage
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Finally got to contribute for some snacks for you! Thanks for your guidance on our fantastic Vermont experience!
Thank you Doreen, much appreciated. Glad you had a great time. Hopefully you get a chance to come out again one year. 🙂 It can be habit forming, as I well know…
Finally got to contribute for some snacks for you! Thanks for your guidance on our fantastic Vermont experience!
Thank you Doreen, much appreciated. Glad you had a great time. Hopefully you get a chance to come out again one year. 🙂 It can be habit forming, as I well know…
Great reading.Apologies on behalf of the British !!
Great reading.Apologies on behalf of the British !!