Exploring between the Peaks of Topsham Vermont
Greetings my fall foliage friends! I hope this finds you in good spirits and most importantly HEALTHY… Lisa and I are like most of you, staying in the house. 28 days of “staying safe” and I haven’t filled up the gas tank since March 17th and at this rate, I won’t need to fill up again till May 17th… Don’t you wish your tank of gas would last that long during your fall foliage explorations?
I’ve gotten a few comments on FB from those concerned that my articles that talk about various B&Bs or Inns might get me in trouble “for advertising” the establishments. Have no fear because I have checked it out and I’m perfectly fine writing about these things. So sit back and put on a copy of Cheryl Wheelers Northern Girl (The Different Stripes cd) and read over this installment…
A valley between Haden Hill and Lyme Emery Hill
If you are new to my blog, welcome, for those who have been a while, you can skip forward… There are many “Iconic Scenic Drives” in Vermont (as well as all the other New England states) But I will tell you, faithful readers, that these “famous” Iconic drives earn their reputations because everybody writes about them which can make them crazy busy in October. (Yes, I write about the Kancamagus Highway once in a great while) But I will maintain that it’s the smaller “unknown” roads that interest me far more. (read as less traffic)
That is where I found this image at. I saw it and had to get out of the car and just take it in. I could only wish I had a view like this in my backyard.
This view is between Haden Hill [1,883′] and Lyme Emery Hill [2,357′] I don’t think this is Lyme Emery hill that we are looking at but in this case, do you really care? Lisa and I were coming in from Orange Vermont on 302 heading for West Topsham and planned to slowly meander our way back to Salem. (Slow and meandering is the only way to go)
As you come through Orange Vermont on Route 302, most all of you would be quite willing to stay on 302 until you hit 25 and head East and South. BUT! if you are a foliage explorer like me… Then you might note that just as you pass Riddel Pond there is a little dirt road called, you guessed it, Riddel Pond Road.
I will freely admit that I didn’t find a bunch to photograph along the road till we passed Sugar Mountain Farm (they raise poultry) and just down the road we spotted one of their flock. (I turned around and told them but they weren’t too worried) Also, an old military truck that had been put out to pasture.

There are glimpses of the hills on either side of Riddel Pond Road and pretty soon you are dropped onto Route 25 and you are also in West Topsham.
View of the Sanborn Ridge in Topsham Vermont
You’ll find the Post Office and if you park there and walk out behind it you will have a very nice view of the surrounding hills. For those who care, that is the Sanborn Ridge.

If at this point you go South on Route 25 (about 3.25 miles) you will drive through Waits River and the Iconic scenic view of the Waits River Church. (click the link to see it) But as with all travels with Jeff, I usually go a different (longer) route. So we went North up Route 25 (*note Salem is South) which connects to Route 302, we stopped at the Upper Valley Grill & General Store and then continued over to Peacham…

This is another reason why trips with Jeff seldom end early. As long as I have light, I’m driven to explore wherever I’m at. So with this final view of Peacham, I will leave you dear reader with this installment of “As the Fall Foliage Turns…”
Check back Next Week Same bat channel, same bat time… Yes, I’m that old… 🙂
Jeff Foliage Folger
Autumn is a state of mind more than a time of year – Jeff Foliage
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….I am ready for this virus to be gone!!! I want to get back to thinking about something pleasant ..like 2020 fall foliage….
.Stay safe and thanks for all of your information.
Thats funny so do I…
Thanks, Jeff. I love reading there reports and even in April, I am anxiously awaiting the 202 fall season. I already have my room and flight scheduled. I will do 17 days mostly in North Clonway NH, but I will venture out to some of the places you have reported on.
oh there is so much to see in that area that is not in Conway. Do the train if you can but head to Jackson and see the covered bridge there and Ravenwood… there is a ton to see in 17 days…