Home » Foliage Articles » When is Peak Foliage in New Hampshire?


When is Peak Foliage in New Hampshire? — 6 Comments

  1. Thank you for all of your detailed insights! You really helped me as I planned our trip 2 years ago. I hope to get back to see this beautiful area again!

  2. Thank you so much you mentioned everything in detailed , you helped a lot to plan our trip, basically i am from india so i dont have much idea about the fall in NH, you helped a lot! Thank you.

  3. Thank you for your work.

    Do you have or know to find a historic chart of peak foliage dates spannig several years?

    Thank you and regards

    • I’ve never seen anything like that and in my opinion that is part of the problem… peak is an opinion, it is an illusion. Lets start by saying I’m considered something of an expert of the subject of fall foliage. It’s not because I have a degree in biology or forestry (I don’t) For the past 20+ years I watched the autumns come and go. Some were good, some were blah, some were WOW…
      I do have a clue, maybe a guesstimate on when is good in any particular area.
      If Mother Nature is balanced, by that I mean a good winter snow pack leading to well hydrated soil, warm spring days with rain showers bringing spring flowers.
      This leads to warm summer days with less frequent showers but no long periods of drought. September arrives and summer temps fade into fall temps. now there are less showers and more warm sunny days with cold evenings (great for high school/college football games) and around the end of September the leaves are prepared to the lack of chlorophyl and they start changing and the race is on…
      You be wondering why I’m going on about what we all know?
      Because in the last 20+ years I don’t think that example has happened once across all of New England… Not even across even one state. There are always factors like a valley here got more rain and a hilltop above the valley got less. North Western Vermont had a drought from spring through the fall but central Vermont is a bit soggy and I could go on and on.
      Nobody visits each town in Vermont, New Hampshire or Massachusetts, etc… People would probably accept that I have a good eye and accept what I say in this matter. But if you tell me and I don’t know your qualifications but you say Stowe was a peak last fall (7 Oct 2024) Well I wasn’t there (at all last fall) I don’t know what this report of peak is based on.
      So you see, perception, opinion are what reports of peak fall colors are made of. Your opinion differs from mine and that is why I never tried to put something like this together. I visited Grafton Vermont on 12 October 2021 and it was fairly colorful that day but not peak. I have never gone back again because there simply wasn’t enough time in the day, week, or month…

      A bit long winded but I hope it gives you an idea of the task you are looking for…

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