The Happy Halloween Foliage Report, 31 Oct 2023
Welcome Leaf Peepers, wherever you may be. Did anyone out there wish for an interesting fall foliage season? They say becareful what you wish for, you might get it…! It has definitely been interesting. What follows is what I have for you on Halloween 2023.
I have published my 2024 fall foliage calendar. This year I created my calendar with 12 scenic months of New England images. This will allow you to explore New England from top to bottom in all seasons. Also, on the same page, is my 2024 covered bridge calendar and a Winter in New England. Click the link on my calendar page to go to and view/purchase.
Well folks, Salem is bracing for record numbers today and tonight in Spooky Central. Even the Ropes Mansion is getting into the act once again. Only 3 times can I say the Ropes Mansion has played along with Halloween. In 1993 when they staged the movie Hocus Pocus there. The movie can be had for $5 on Amazon.
In 2021 the PEM decided to dress up the Ropes Mansion like it was for the movie and I of course photographed it. Once again and this time for the 30th anniversary of the Hocus Pocus movie, they went a step further and lit the rooms in red with a single candle in each window. (as seen above) I had to wait quite a while for the group tours to pass and the selfie-takers, along with the parents with their kids posing at the door, before there was no one in the image (I did not photoshop the people out!).
Well, there isn’t too much color left in Massachusetts but you are bound to make some beautiful images over and around ponds and even the covered breidges look good as the leaves leaf the trees… Small pun there. This morning (Halloween) I went out to the edge of the woods next to my house to snap a picture of the red maple
As you can see here the leaves this year are running orange to yellow and while not perfect, I could not help but pick one up and stick it in my daily journal. This way
Connecticut/Rhode Island
Connecticut is showing all sorts of color still. Jonathan Steele Photography sent in this shot from Monday, 30 Oct. A snowy egret showing blazing white against the fall colors.
In Rhode Island, Mark Spremulli Photography sent in these two shots, One from a week ago and one from this past Saturday.

Edwin Ciolkosz took this very colorful shot this weekend in Manchester Connecticut.
Just do a little driving around and you may still find some great color on this sunny Halloween day!
Jeff’s Thoughts…

Well as I look around on the New England fall foliage Facebook Group, there are still people running around out there getting some nice shots! (I’m back to work fulltime) And while a few shots from last week are from Vermont and New Hampshire, those areas are pretty much spent. I saw this morning that in Millinocket Maine the webcam there showed a snowy view of Katahdin, and the webcams at Greenville and Eustis both show snow on the ground. (see my post on Facebook to see the images)
Your best bets seem to be by heading down to Rhode Island or Connecticut and check the state parks with ponds or walking trails. These areas are ripe with possibilities.
I don’t think I’ll be making any more updates for this season so feel free to stop in on my webcame page to view the last of the fall colors for the year but now it seems all I can do is remember my memories of past fall foliage seasons and enjoy the really colorful seasons that I’ve been able to witness. Check my online galleries for new images and if you turn your smart phone camera on and point it towards this QR code, it will take you to my Gallery.
Jeff Foliage Folger
Autumn is a state of mind more than a time of year – Jeff Foliage
- Visit my Fine Art America Gallery
- Visit my Amazon store to pick up New England-related materials
- Visit my Pictorem Gallery (Free shipping in the US and Canada)
- My Facebook foliage page
- Follow our new Fall Foliage FB Group!
- You can visit Lisa’s Artist Facebook Page by clicking here
Beautiful photos. The leaves are getting pretty sparse here in West Tennessee. But some of the hickory trees are still golden. I got to see the beautiful fall colors in New England a few years ago, and I will never forget how amazing they were. Thank you for sharing your awesome photographs.
Well Cindy I’m glad you enjoyed our yearly journey through the fall colors of New England. I’m hoping next year is so much easier… We’ll see what Mother Nature gives us…