Fall Foliage Tips Before Going Leaf Peeping
I’ve been traveling across New England for 20 years (give or take) and this is why you are stopping in on my blog, for some of that experience. But asking a few questions is but the beginning.
You need maps, a general idea of places you want to visit, the right clothing, and face it, you need to build an itinerary so you aren’t in the wrong part of New England for the fall colors.
Tip #1 – Fall Foliage and Research
First, I don’t make itineraries. If you want someone to tell you where to be and when then click the link for April at the top of every page. She has been leading tours for photographers for many years.
Doing your research early means starting in Jan or Feb and getting an idea of where you want to travel. Earlier travel means more Northern areas of New England. This info will drive your dates and that, in turn, will drive your reservations.
Your interests will guide you through your search. Do you love history, we’ve got that. Old wooden covered bridges? got plenty of them. Literary notables? we’ve got several homes and cemeteries for you to explore. Lighthouses, yup got them too… Searching for the perfect Lobster Roll? That will take you from Maine down to Rhode Island and around to Connecticut. I’m going to list a few subjects with links throughout this article, (some of the links on the page are affiliate links that pay me money) these will give you some ideas to get started with.
General Stores
I got an email the other day from a family of leaf peepers from Belgium. They had a great itinerary but asked me a question that was a stumper. They want to stop at a bunch of small country stores during their visit! Now you may ask how that could be a stumper? Don’t laugh — can you tell me exactly where one is? Chances are if you can, it’s one you’ve visited. Now let’s say you want to visit 5 or more in a day. You might have more trouble listing some.
I mean, you might name the Vermont Country store and knock off two right there (Bellows Falls and Weston Vermont). but if you visit the Weston or the Rockingham store, you have really visited both (they carry the same merchandise). They are definitely worth putting on your itinerary (one of them at least, you get to pick).
In my travels, I stop at them all the time whether it’s for a sandwich or a cup of coffee. I just don’t put them on my radar as a destination. But maybe we should… They need us to spend our tourist dollars there just like everyone else.
I started looking for a good link to a general listing of stores and I turned up a list with six stores listed (one in each state) by Yankee Magazine. You may also find many listed in a Google search. We have a listing of General Stores that we have here on Jeff-foliage.com (click the link) here you will find our ratings on the ones we have visited and liked.
If you have a favorite, leave its name and location in the comments.
Tip #2 – Helpful Books for Backroad Travels
Delorme Gazetteer

I consider the Gazetteers to be indispensable to the planning process. It’s best for figuring out routes that you want to take and choosing nearby attractions. Lisa will plan our routes and make up turn-by-turn directions… Pick one up in my Amazon shop
What if you are on a backcountry road and your phone says no wifi or 3/4/5G signal? Without a “strong” cell signal you won’t get a map to load up. Just this past fall Lisa and I were presented with the “You are offline” message many times in western Mass. How do you figure out where you are or need to go? The only solution is a “real” GPS. Newer cars and some high-end phones have GPSs. These are just some thoughts to keep in mind.
Magazines and Books that help in your search for the Fall Colors
Here are a “few” of my books that I have used to guide myself and you. I have a listing with links to purchase them on this page. (again affiliate links)

If you go to the local bookstore or grocery store around September to October you will find magazines that will tell you about the fall colors and routes to travel. The essence of all this reading can be boiled down to one thing, getting out and exploring.
I have many back issues of various magazines (all Yankee issues between 1963-current for Sept. and Oct.) and I have various October issues of Vermont Life… and Down East magazine…
Some of these like “Autumn Rambles of New England” is hard to find and if the price is too much then pick something else. Check used bookstores which are where a few of mine have come from. A couple of dollars and a wealth of ideas to explore.
Autumn Rambles
This book has detailed locations with notes on how to find the roads, towns, village greens, and of course the local general store. The Tougias brothers detail these trips together. Michael writes and Mark contributes his artwork which portrays lovely fall scenes.
Tip #3 – Website Links for Fall Foliage
- The first fall foliage resource is my Blog (jeff-foliage.com). I post fall foliage updates several times per week. You can also visit my fall foliage Facebook page which is a great place to get ideas and ask questions about where the foliage is showing color.
- Yankeefoliage.com – As some of you know I used to be Yankee magazine’s first fall foliage blogger and their website was the first one I went to for information. They are only better today. Their current foliage blogger (Jim Salge) is a great photographer/writer, so stop in and see what he has to say about the state of the foliage. (but he rarely answers questions.)
- Vermont.com – For everything Vermont and their fall foliage reports too.
- New Hampshire.com – Where they list all the fairs and festivals for the fall, along with reports for all the different NH regions.
- Maine foliage site with reports and images of past years.
- Massachusetts foliage site with where to go and what to do and eat…!
Autumn is here!!! … ok… it’s XXX, (place a number here) days away but it will be here before you know it. If you have any questions please feel free to ask them here in the comments section on any article on my Jeff Foliage blog.
Jeff “Foliage” Folger — Got Foliage?
Jeff Foliage Folger
Autumn is a state of mind more than a time of year – Jeff Foliage
- Visit my Fine Art America Gallery
- Visit my Amazon store to pick up New England-related materials
- Visit my Pictorem Gallery (Free shipping in the US and Canada)
- My Facebook foliage page
- Threads.net/@Jeff_Foliage
- Follow our new Fall Foliage FB Group!
- You can visit Lisa’s Artist Facebook Page by clicking here
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