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I have and recommend all the Gazetteers for New England and in some cases, I have several copies of the same state (I guess I forgot one at home and picked one up while driving in VT or NH because I have 3 or so for NH & VT). WAIT you don’t what a Gazetteer is???
DeLorme Gazetteers include:
- Topographic maps with elevation contours, major highways and roads, dirt roads, trails, and land use data
- Map sheets marked with latitude and longitude for GPS grids
- A locational gazetteer
- General information on recreational opportunities, including federal and state parks, game management areas for hunting, and locations suitable for fishing
DeLorme Gazetteers are used by outdoor enthusiasts for trip planning, sightseeing, backcountry adventures, and alot more.
From a New Hampshire/Vermont Gazetteer to Yankee’s New England Adventures, here is a small listing of helpful products, many of which I carry myself during my travels or have at home in my library. If you normally carry just a GPS then rethink it and look at the Gazetteers below.

Lisa has helped to pick things she either wears or has chosen for the house. In many cases, these are from her wish list. We have also gathered Made In New England items that you can order as gifts for friends and family or even yourselves.
Also, just to be clear, these links do pay me a few pennies if you go and purchase one. So you are supporting me and my mission to provide “free” information. By purchasing, you help me which helps you.