Home » Foliage Articles » May 2024 Foliage Forecast: Slow Burn’s Potential Impact


May 2024 Foliage Forecast: Slow Burn’s Potential Impact — 8 Comments

  1. Hi, Thanks for all the information::: planning a Vermont bike tour in mid-October (Windsor/Ludlow area). Hoping to see some colors along the way. However, would like to travel by car to another area in VT to see more colors – will this time of year be too late to catch some colors? Do you recommend an area, thinking White Mountain Forest area as an option but flexible. Thank you

    • “Do you recommend an area, thinking White Mountain Forest area as an option but flexible.” Hmmm, I recommend it all and all the time… 🙂
      In general Windsor/Ludlow I think are usually 8-15 and usually it really depends on what we get. I have thrown out my guess but if by some weird chance we get cool weather in mid-Sept then it “could” be earlier than my dates. But remember I’ve thrown out these dates but in reality the fall colors don’t turn on entirely on the 6th and fall to the ground on the 15th. You will find a branch somewhere in Windsor on 20 September all in red. But it will be by itself. by the 25th there will be at minimum 14 trees in full color and by the 1st of Oct there will be more..
      The goes for the colors leaving. I would think you will find trees in fall colors by the 25th but some will be bare and this is the way… Nobody, not even I can give you what you want. Hard and fast dates for when the fall colors will arrive and leave. I can give you guestimates which will get you in the ballpark

      • Thank you. I realized there is no magic crystal ball however, your ballpark is encouraging. I appreciate your time.

  2. We are taking a NE and Canada cruise in mid October. I’m really
    afraid it’s too late in the year. I told my husband that I think we’d be better off to spend the money on a road trip through The same area in early October. What do you think? We are in the western US and have never experienced the beautiful fall colors you get there. This is likely our last opportunity to travel to your side of the country and I’m trying to be as informed as we can. In the end, Mother Nature will do what she wants. I know 🙂 Just wondering what your opinion is 🙂

    • Well Christine, this requires more info. First, does the cruise include trips off the ship to explore places like Camden or Portland Maine? Mid October is a good time to be at the coast because that is when the colors get good there…
      BUT… it pales in comparison to driving through the towns, villages, over hill and dale.
      Now I have not done a cruise myself and maybe one of these days I will so I have incomplete data. But they do the driving and that is more relaxing. Pick a nice spot in the White mountains and you can spend a week exploring Vermont and New Hampshire to your hearts content…
      If you do the drive pick up a gazetteer like this one for Vermont and New Hampshire
      If you only get off the boat to do the towns then a Maine gazetteer is not as useful.

  3. Jeff –

    My wife has always wanted to go to the New England area for the fall colors road tour through several states to see the trees and fall colors. We would drive rental car or bring our own. This year is our 50th wedding anniversary so this will be her gift from me!

    The dates are flexible between September 15 – October 15 or 16th. Could you gives us some ideas when best to start this trip date wise in the New England area (looking at going to Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Upper New York area if we have the time. These are all options as we are flexible on where we go and time frame.
    Also ideas on where we might stop over overnight in different towns for overnight stay’s would be great information for us if you could. I always ask locals if you were doing this trip or had family coming from out of town, where would you take them and where you you stay over night?
    Looking at staying and driving the area for 2-3 weeks. Where to start trip and end trip would be great info. Thanks.

    • Sounds like the beginnings of a plan and to make it come together, I’m going to be both helpful and UN-helpful… 🙂
      To start of I don’t do itineraries and if you want that level of help I will suggest talking to April, you can find links to her website on every article on my website. She has led tours for years and even makes a you-drive itinerary (for a price)
      Now as far as dates. Sept 15 is nice but way early for serious fall colors. Start in NY state and visit lake Placid, Niagara Falls and then plan to slide over into Vermont on 1-3 October. Stay in Danville VT or someplace in the Northeast Kingdom (NEK) Don’t know what the NEK is, click this link.
      After 2-3 days exploring there (should be 5-7 October) slide over to the White Mountains in New Hampshire. Bethlehem among so many others is nice or maybe down in Carrol NH. Check this page to see some places we’ve reviewed.
      No you could stay in this area till Columbus Day or Slide back into Woodstock Vermont (beautiful Town) Some pricy hotels there or very nice B&Bs but She will enjoy them. (covered Bridge on the town square)…

      No you are almost out of time so one more move down to Meredith NH on Lake Winnipesaukee. Hotels I’ve stayed at are Churches Landing (5 star price and you get what you pay for) but they also have Mill Falls at the Lake and that is more budget friendly but still something that will Wow your lady…

      Ok, we have used up all your time and yes I left off Maine. While Maine is beautiful, it is also GInormous!!! and you would need a couple weeks more for that…

      Start with this mindset. Less is more… Less driving and more relaxing. Take walks (or hikes) rent bikes, canoe, kayak, whatever you desire, but savor it… driving from tree to tree is my job, Yours is to explore, discover, and enjoy the wonderful things you find.
      Order your Gazetteer for NH/VT (one book covers both states. Highlight all the roads you explore and fill the book with notes on what you find… AND then if you never come back, hand it to your kids for them to follow in your footsteps…

      I hope this was more helpful than UN-helpful
      Jeff Foliage

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