Late Versus Early Fall Color, Does It Matter?
Late versus early fall color, here are my thoughts…
Hello Leaf Peepers! I drove to northern Vermont this past weekend (written on November 9, 2016), and I was amazed by the number of fall colors in the trees, I’m not just talking about the shore, or even northern Massachusetts… I’m talking up to the Hookset Tolls on I-93! Now, I would provide a picture of the multi-hued hills covered in orange, brown, gold, and red. Yes RED! You didn’t know that red oaks turn a beautiful shade of red, did you?
But alas I was driving, and we were a bit late getting out the door (my fault), so no picture of the hills… How about I show you what you could find about 6.5 miles from the Canadian Border in Highgate Center?
Yes, this was November 6th and not October 5th!
Early color versus late fall colors, it’s in the eye of the beholder…
Most times you will hear me talking about arriving on 25 September or early October because everybody wants the whole hillsides covered in incredibly bright colors. Well, I have to say, this is my fault because I love to tell you about those bright colors, but I tend to forget the very satisfying burnt umber, sienna, and ochre fall colors (basically red-brown, orange-brown, and a golden-brown mixture). Here are two images taken in two different years. 14 October 2012 and 26 October 2010.

As you can see in just twelve days the colors progressed from some green trees and a fair amount of yellow to mostly yellowish-orange which I would term past peak. But… if you drone along this scenic byway you would not be to terribly unhappy, right?
What does your neighborhood look like?
The maples in my neighborhood are a mixture of sugar maples and some Norway maples, but due to many different factors, they were not as pleasing as many years in the past. This year it was the drought leaving them suffering. Some trees dropped their leaves early and the tree across from it had just started as of 26 October 2010.

I, along with most others, wax poetic about the early colors of the swamp maples turning red, and we start salivating at the thought of the first drive up into New Hampshire or Vermont. We want to drive along the dirt back roads to find a covered bridge with orange and red leaves hanging above and around it.
What we forget about is that peak fall foliage doesn’t just happen in late September and ends in mid-October. Mel Allen at Yankee Magazine once said that “Peak fall color is not just one day on the calendar but a continuum that starts and continues through November.” (not an exact quote but with good intent)

Just because the brightest colors start to fade on the hills and mountains in northern New Hampshire or Vermont or Maine, it doesn’t mean the show is over. It means the show is a constantly moving target. It may start to fade up north but it will continue to develop further to the south. To be very honest I will challenge every one of you to say that this image from this past Monday afternoon is anything but glorious! (and yes they are all oaks)
So please enjoy the rest of November and the more subtle fall color that is presented to us from now till Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has had a great autumn in New England. Even if you didn’t come in person, I hope the images and stories I provide, give you a great autumn experience.
Jeff Foliage Folger
Autumn is a state of mind more than a time of year – Jeff Foliage
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Woohoo, going next fall on cruise to New England. Sure looking forward to it. Thanks for keeping us up to date on fall foilage
Yes, you did give us the perfect foliage experience in New England, even though we were unable to be there in person.
Next year we are definitely coming and will look forward to your predictions and reports. Keep up the good work !
I love your observation about fall being a continuum. The pictures are glorious and make me wonder if this Texan was not secretly born in New England and smuggled south! I have every intention of returning next fall.