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Places to Stay, The Stark Inn, Stark NH — 10 Comments

  1. Stay home- that’s what I think – we don’t need to be driving around, going to gas stations or public restrooms -stay home!!!! Insulting and ridiculous post at this time

    • Anita, I don’t believe any of my followers either in the US or in any other country are “out and about” at this moment. I prefer to think that people are using my images and descriptions as virtual vacations from the stress of dealing with the covid-19 virus.
      I assume all of my followers (or anyone who happens upon this or other articles) are very bright and pragmatic. It is my opinion is that this event will NOT… I repeat, NOT… last forever.
      I could be wrong but I hope I’m not… You are very correct that people should be staying close to home at this time. I’ve not been out except for walks in the woods and going once a week to the grocery store, so I haven’t been very far from the house. I did not go to visit family on my birthday (yesterday) and I expect everyone who reads this to be doing the same.

      Thank you for your concern but remember that going beyond concern to the verge of panic doesn’t help either. I suggest you go out your own front door and wave to a neighbor (if possible) and take a big breath of fresh air. Feel the sun on your face and listen to the birds in the trees. These things we can all do and not risk our health. And when this is over we can go and travel and look for the fall colors that will show up virus or no virus…

      Jeff Foliage

  2. Stay home- that’s what I think – we don’t need to be driving around, going to gas stations or public restrooms -stay home!!!! Insulting and ridiculous post at this time

    • Anita, I don’t believe any of my followers either in the US or in any other country are “out and about” at this moment. I prefer to think that people are using my images and descriptions as virtual vacations from the stress of dealing with the covid-19 virus.
      I assume all of my followers (or anyone who happens upon this or other articles) are very bright and pragmatic. It is my opinion is that this event will NOT… I repeat, NOT… last forever.
      I could be wrong but I hope I’m not… You are very correct that people should be staying close to home at this time. I’ve not been out except for walks in the woods and going once a week to the grocery store, so I haven’t been very far from the house. I did not go to visit family on my birthday (yesterday) and I expect everyone who reads this to be doing the same.

      Thank you for your concern but remember that going beyond concern to the verge of panic doesn’t help either. I suggest you go out your own front door and wave to a neighbor (if possible) and take a big breath of fresh air. Feel the sun on your face and listen to the birds in the trees. These things we can all do and not risk our health. And when this is over we can go and travel and look for the fall colors that will show up virus or no virus…

      Jeff Foliage

  3. Good grief, Anita! Please take some deep breaths!

    Jeff, thank you for your calming words. We all know what we should and should not be doing to keep ourselves safe. It’s social distancing – not house arrest! During this crazy time, I look forward to your posts and beautiful photographs. It helps to remind me that eventually this will all be behind us and the back country roads of New England will still be there waiting for us to discover them. Meanwhile, it’s spring … the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the trees are beginning to leaf out. Go out for a walk every day if you can … you’ll feel better for it.


  4. Good grief, Anita! Please take some deep breaths!

    Jeff, thank you for your calming words. We all know what we should and should not be doing to keep ourselves safe. It’s social distancing – not house arrest! During this crazy time, I look forward to your posts and beautiful photographs. It helps to remind me that eventually this will all be behind us and the back country roads of New England will still be there waiting for us to discover them. Meanwhile, it’s spring … the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the trees are beginning to leaf out. Go out for a walk every day if you can … you’ll feel better for it.


  5. Beautiful visage. I do plan to go for my annual foliage trip to New Hampshire this year. I am already booked for it and I look forward to it every year. I will make a point to stop at Stark Inn and visit for a day. Thanks for all the information and great sites. Keep them coming.

  6. Beautiful visage. I do plan to go for my annual foliage trip to New Hampshire this year. I am already booked for it and I look forward to it every year. I will make a point to stop at Stark Inn and visit for a day. Thanks for all the information and great sites. Keep them coming.

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