Home » Foliage Articles » 16 Sept Fall Foliage Report, Hurricane/Storm Lee!


16 Sept Fall Foliage Report, Hurricane/Storm Lee! — 21 Comments

  1. Hi Jeff! Thanks for all of your help. I may be overreacting a bit (I think I’ve read too many doom and gloom reports out there especially in Facebook groups) but should I be concerned about a trip from October 7th – 12th? Staying in the White Mountains. Surely there will be good foliage right? Should I be concerned at all? (I’m aware that it may not be as great as other years, but any New England fall foliage tour is better than most!) Thanks again!

    • Hi Trish,
      Every 4-5 years we seem to have a significant down year event. To me 2017 was the last big one with 90 degree temps in late Sept to the beginning of Of October. and 2011 with Hurricane Katrina. There have been other years in between with weather events but they weren’t big events (late Oct Hurricane in 2012 comes to mind that because of when it arrived, it didn’t affect most visitors except for Halloween)…
      So Doom and Gloom depends on your expectations. And expectations are what I want people to be ready with. This will NOT be 2020 or 2022 with incredible fall colors. Your dates of Oct 7-12 in the White Mountains are fine. I don’t know what the colors are going to do but you have several routes north out of the WM’s to head west to Vermont or east to Maine. You can also go south into the Lakes region (which is where I’ll be from the 12-15th) So I can head north into the southern WM’s or even the northern WM’s.
      So make up your plan B list and be ready to explore…

        • I hope it’s nothing like 2017… Right now we’re in a weekend cycle that seems to be giving up rain every 5-7 days on the weekends… I do hope that ends! But at this time I see nothing indicating a heatwave like in 2017…

  2. Thank you, Jeff! Do you think Oct 17 – 21 would be too late for a trip to Vermont/NH? What’s your “guess” as to the best stretch of days to visit this year?

    • Well Callie, This year can go a few ways once we get to later in Oct like that. I would choose maybe a North Massachusetts location straddling the border between VT and NH and still allowing you to go up and say, Nope! nothing and head back into Massachusetts or even head south into CT… Flexibility is key.
      If the temps drop in early Oct then we will have a good chance of seeing real good colors on your dates. Right now I can only hope as I look forward 10 days at the forecasts. Nobody makes any kind of reliable predictions beyond that so I have to “hope” the temps are going to cooperate. Also starting next weekend it looks like 6-7 days of mixed weather (rain/clouds) so I’m holding my breath…

  3. Hi Jeff,
    We’re planning a visit to Portland Maine in October. Our options are the week of Oct 8 – 15 or Oct 21 – 28. Any thoughts, recommendations on which week will have better foliage this year? Love your reports, Thanks!

  4. I am planning Stowe,VT and NH white mountains specifically Conway and Lincoln area from 7-10th oct
    Shall I move dates forward or to continue with this dates looking to the weather!

  5. Hi Jeff – a group of us from California will be going to North Conway NH 10/1-10/2 and around Portland Maine 10/2-10/4. I sure hope we see colors. We’ve been planning this trip for sometime. Any thoughts?

    Thanks! Christina

    • Hi Christina, A bit early for N. Conway. When you get there, jump on the train (the longer trip) up through Crawford Notch and you should see really good color or Drive up Route 302 through the Notch. or even up to Dixville Notch. (Route 26) if you need better fall color.

      Portland being on the water less so but beautiful all the same. Visit the lighthouse and enjoy!

  6. Hi! I am planning a trip with my mom in early November. I know this is late in the season but is there anything to still be seen or should I hope that we can make that trip another year?


    • This is where I will disagree with them. AS OF RIGHT NOW… The temps and the amount of sun over the next 7-10 days is going to have a big impact. Per todays article https://jeff-foliage.com/2023/09/23/fall-foliage-update-23-september-2023-23-9-23/
      I said this week could develop nicely (some lows forecast in VT and NH in the 30s, low 40s, and low 50s) and with that, the following week “could” see very good if not a few pockets of color. The big joker here is the amount of rain we got and how that affects the hand we are dealt. Could Jim and Yankee be right? Sure they have a lot of experience in that building. but I feel a lot is going to rest on the actual weather we get between now and 5 Oct as far as the colors we get.

      • Thanks, Jeff, that’s very helpful and reassuring. I was panicking after seeing that article because I’m planning to be in the White Mountains from Oct 5 to Oct 9 and the Northeast Kingdom and Stowe from Oct 9 to 14th. Do you think it makes sense to push the dates back by 3-4 days, or would that just increase the chance of missing peak colors?

        Thanks again!

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